Banishing Stroke - AVR
Basri Ket - M21
Basri Ket - XM21 (Extended Art)
Basri, Devoted Paladin - XM21 Foil
Battle Angels of Tyr - XCLB (Extended Art)
Bereaved Survivor - MID
Beregond of the Guard - LTRH V.1 (Extended Art)
Bishop of Binding - RIX
Bishop of Wings - (Prerelease) Foil
Bishop of Wings - M20
Blacksmith's Skill - MH2
Blind Obedience - GTC
Blind Obedience - RVR
Bloodchief's Thirst - ZNR
Boreas Charger - C18
Boromir, Warden of the Tower - XLTR V.1 (Extended Art)
Bounty Agent - C20
Bounty Agent - GRN
Brightling - BBD
Brightling - BBD Foil
Brimaz, King of Oreskos - BNG
Bronze Guardian - XC21 (Extended Art)
Bronzebeak Foragers - XLCC (Extended Art)
Brought Back - M20
Brought Back - M20 Foil
Brutal Cathar - DBL
Brutal Cathar - MID
Burrenton Forge-Tender - LRW
Calamity's Wake - BRO Foil
Call for Unity - LTC
Call the Gatewatch - OGW
Cathars' Crusade - AVR