Angel's Grace - TSP Foil
Angel's Grace - TSR Foil
Ao, the Dawn Sky - NEO Foil
Arashin Foremost - DTK Foil
Arbiter of Knollridge - CM2
Arbiter of Knollridge - LRW
Archaeomancer's Map - XC21 (Extended Art)
Archangel Avacyn - V17 Foil
Archangel Elspeth - MOM Foil
Archangel Elspeth - XMOM (Extended Art) Foil
Archangel of Thune - IMA
Archangel of Thune - M14
Archangel of Tithes - OTJ
Archivist of Oghma - CLB
Archon of Absolution - ELD
Archon of Emeria - ZNR
Archpriest of Iona - PZNR (Prerelease) Foil
Arena Rector - BBD
Arena Rector - BBD Foil
Assemble the Players - PMKM (Prerelease) Foil
Astral Drift - C20
Auriok Steelshaper - MRD
Austere Command - AKHI (Invocation) Foil
Austere Command - CMR
Automated Assembly Line - XPIP V.1 (Extended Art) Foil
Baneslayer Angel - M10 Foil
Baneslayer Angel - M21
Banisher Priest - C20
Banishing Light - FNM Foil
Banishing Light - JOU
Banishing Light - XTSR (Timeshifted)
Banishing Light - ZNC