Copperline Gorge - XONE (Extended Art)
Corpse Explosion - SNC
Corpse Knight - M20
Corrupted Grafstone - SOI
Cosmic Epiphany - XDMU
Cosmic Epiphany - XDMU V.2 (Extended Art)
Cosmium Confluence - LCI
Cosmium Confluence - PLCI (Prerelease) Foil
Cosmos Charger - KHM
Courser of Kruphix - MYS
Courser of Kruphix - XTSR (Timeshifted)
Crackle with Power - STX
Crackling Doom - C20
Crackling Doom - KTK
Crackling Drake - GRN
Cragcrown Pathway - SLU (Extended Art) Foil
Crater Elemental - DTK
Crawling Barrens - PZNR
Crawling Barrens - PZNR Foil
Creepy Puppeteer - VOW
Crucible of the Spirit Dragon - C17
Crucible of the Spirit Dragon - FRF
Crucible of Worlds - PROM Foil
Cruel Reality - AKH
Cruel Sadist - J22
Crumble to Dust - BFZ
Cryptbreaker - (Prerelease)
Cryptbreaker - EMN
Cryptex - MKM
Cryptic Caves - ZNC
Cryptic Coat - MKM Foil
Crystalline Giant - IKO