Fact or Fiction - WOC
Fae of Wishes - ELD
Fae of Wishes - XELD (Showcase Frame)
Faerie Formation - WOC
Faerie Miscreant - M20 Foil
Faerie Vandal - J22
Familiar's Ruse - MM3
Favorable Winds - AVR
Fblthp, Lost on the Range - OTJ
Fblthp, the Lost - RVR
Fblthp, the Lost - WAR
Fblthp, the Lost - WAR (Japanese)
Fblthp, the Lost - XM20 Foil
Fervent Denial - C19
Fierce Guardianship - C20
Flare of Denial - MH3
Fleeting Image - ULG
Flesh Duplicate - WHO
Flesh Duplicate - WHO Foil
Flesh Duplicate - XWHO V.1 (Extended Art) Foil
Flusterstorm - BABP
Fog Bank - M13
Force of Will - ALL
Frantic Inventory - PM21 Foil
Fraying Sanity - HOU
Frost Titan - C14
Frost Titan - M11
Frost Titan - M12
Gale's Redirection - PCLB (Prerelease) Foil
Genju of the Falls - A25
Geralf's Masterpiece - SOI
Gifts Ungiven - 2X2