Part the Waterveil - BFZ
Patchwork Crawler - VOW
Patron of the Moon - BOK Foil
Peer Through Depths - CHK
Peer Through Depths - MMA
Perplexing Test - C21
Persistent Petitioners - RVR Foil
Persistent Petitioners - XRVR
Personal Tutor - CMM
Pieces of the Puzzle - SOI Foil
Pirated Copy - J22
Polymorphous Rush - JOU
Ponder - M12
Ponder - MPR
Ponder - WHO Foil
Poppet Stitcher - MID Foil
Poppet Stitcher - XMID (Extended Art) Foil
Pore Over the Pages - SOI
Precognition Field - DOM
Precognition Field - DOM Foil
Precognitive Perception - RNA
Primordial Mist - C18
Prognostic Sphinx - THS
Protean Thaumaturge - THB
Psychic Barrier - NPH
Pteramander - RNA
Quasiduplicate - GRN
Quasiduplicate - RVR
Quicksmith Spy - AER
Radical Idea - GRN Foil
Radstorm - PIP
Radstorm - PIP Foil