Run D&D Games
The Dungeon Master’s Guide teaches you to take players out of their world and into another. An ancient world, governed by gods, occupied by monsters and magic—and filled with unforgettable stories.
The Dungeon Master’s Guide provides the blueprint for your game and the tools you need to build it.
Create Adventures
The anniversary of a monarch’s rule descends into chaos.
Your adventurers find a map on a dead body.
So begins your Dungeons & Dragons adventure.
D&D is storytelling, and in the Dungeon Master's Guide you’ll learn to wield the principles of narrative.
Master the Rules of D&D
I hurl the brazier of hot coals into the monster’s face,' says one of your players. What happens next is up to you and your interpretation of the rules.
In D&D, the story is guided by your player’s actions, and your player’s actions are guided by the rules. The Dungeon Master’s Guide, together with the Monster Manual, contains all the rules you need to create a vivid, continuous, and believable picture of the story’s events in the minds of your players.